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The function of bamboo fiber
Antibacterial: Bamboo fiber contains a special element "Bamboo Kun", has significant antibacterial effect.
Deodorant adsorption: bamboo fiber ultra-fine porous structure can effectively absorb harmful substances formaldehyde, methylamine, benzene, etc., can eliminate the bad smells.
moisture absorbing and sweat releasing property: bamboo fiber cross section was full of large and small space, can absorb and evaporate in an instant moisture, bibulous rate is 3.5 times of cotton.
UV protection: Cotton fiber UV penetration is 25%, bamboo fiber UV penetration less than 0.6%, that is 41.7 times of cotton.
Super Care For Health: bamboo fiber does not produce static electricity, rich in trace elements, has a unique health care with skin.
Beautiful and comfortable: bamboo fiber smooth as silk, soft, and good for sag. Bamboo fiber has shiny, and easy for coloring and non-leg color.
Bamboo fiber towels
1, The hollow structure of bamboo fiber determines the towel has good water imbibitions, and not need detergent, water can wash clean it.
2, Towel itself has antibacterial function. Solve the bacteria caused towel due to mites growth, porous structure determines the towel has a strong absorbency, can remove old skin and cosmetic residues, and keep your skin clean.
3, Hot days not moldy, not sour, not sticky skin.