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The Earth itself is a big magnetic field which always effects and influences human. Like air, water, sunshine, earth is one of the elements necessary to human’s living. When the magnetic field of the earth works in human body, it will generate biological effects which were called “magnetic field effect”. Magnetic therapy is a safe, non-invasive method of applying magnetic fields to the body for therapeutic purposes. It accelerates the natural healing process, provides natural pain relief such as arthritis, rheumatism, etc., and can improve sleep without any side effects.
 Studies have shown that this non invasive therapy relieves pain and helps to promote the body’s natural healing process by improving oxygen exchanged to injured area. It is believed when the blood stream passes through a magnetic field; the field stimulates the blood stream and nerves while raising the blood oxygen level to promote the health of every cell.


 Promote blood circulation, improve microcirculation
 Relieve pain and relax muscle stiffness
 Tranquillize and smooth the nerve, improve sleeping quality
 Remove swelling and inflammations
 Lower blood pressure, fat and cholesterol
 Treatment for constipation and diarrhoea