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Relation Between Five Elements and Yin &Yang Balance Theory
The Chinese theory of 5 Elements is based on 5 basic tendencies in nature, 5 kinds of energy. These elements are: earth, metal, water, wood and fire. Within a cycle,the elements are related, complementary or opposing forces.
They are connected through a specific cycle, in which one element feeds the following one. Water feeds wood, wood serves as fuel for fire, earth is nourished by the ash of fire, earth bears metal and metal produces water. This cycle is called growth cycle.
The second cycle is the controlling cycle, which starts working if energy qi gets blocked within the growth cycle, and thus cannot brought forward to the neighbor element. Within the controlling cycle, wood is controlling earth, earth is controlling water, water the fire, fire the metal and metal is controlling wood.
For both cycles, it is of great importance, that energy qi can flow unhindered in accordance to the laws of the corresponding cycle concerned, and that the elements stand to each other in balance.
The foundation of Traditional Chinese Medicine beliefs is that most illnesses and sicknesses is due to the imbalance of Yin and Yang. With this understanding, correcting the imbalance will return the body to the healthy state. The Chinese assume that the body is a whole, and each part of it is intimately connected. Each organ has a mental as well as a physical function.

The Ying Yang sign is visible in each organ from understanding the five elements. The histological structures and nutrients are yin, and the functional activities are yang. Some organs are predominantly yang in their functions, such as the liver, while others are predominantly yin, such as the kidney. Even though one organ may be predominantly yin (or yang) in nature, the balance of yin and yang is maintained in the whole healthy body because the sum total of the yin and yang will be in a fluctuating balance.
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