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Chinese herbal medicine

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Chinese herbal medicine Chaihu
Chinese herbal medicine Chaihu


Chaihu, the name of Chinese medicine, is used medicinally as the dried root of the plant Chaihu or narrow-leaved Chaihu of the Apiaceae family. Digging in spring and autumn, removing stems, leaves and sediment, and drying. Chai Hu is a commonly used antidote. Also known as ground smoke, mountain vegetables, mushroom grass, firewood grass, bitter taste, slightly cold, to the liver, gallbladder meridian. It has the effect of relieving the surface, thinning the liver and raising the yang. It is used for cold and fever, cold and hot exchanges, malaria, liver depression and stagnation, chest and rib swelling and pain, rectal prolapse, uterine prolapse, menstrual irregularities.