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18 cans of Chinese cupping vacuum
18 cans of Chinese cupping vacuum


1. Before treatment, lift the tank E to the upper end of the stem to ensure gas flow.
2.  Lure the water gun at the upper end of the vacuum suction box, and pull the vertical rod about four times to an appropriate negative pressure.
3. Starting from the end of the processing tank, gently lift the upper end of the stem up to the tank to take out the tank.
4. There are few body muscles or hair, hands, feet, joints, the doughnut pad can be eaten under the surface to make a crown cap to achieve the sealing effect.
5. After the water tank is used in conjunction, it should be wiped with a disinfectant, not soaked.
[Maintenance and repair]
1. The water tank should avoid squeezing and scratching.
2. The tank body should be maintained firmly with the rubber tank. If there is a falling or loose place, or you can tighten the needle-nose pliers by hand.
3. The spray gun cannot be disassembled, and the dirt in the barrel is often cleaned up after putting a little grease.
4. When the air discharge of the spray gun is insufficient, the seal can be replaced and continue to be used after installation.
1. According to the condition, such as cupping, choose different sitting positions, prone position, supine position, lateral position, such as:
2. Each treatment time is 10-15 minutes, once a day or every other day, 7 times in a course of treatment. The next course requires a break of 4 days:
3. According to the position and conditions, the left can method (the parts should be pulled and the method of holding for a period of time when the suction can is pulled), and the flashing can method (the canister is pulled to the differentiation position by suction, and the buzzer sound is kept outside the can) Leave a proper mark), cupping (after pulling out the can with a charged suction can, repeatedly pulling the top of the can to wash the skin down) and cupping (using a needle to puncture the skin at the point of disinfection and disinfect the part, so that cupping immediately after bleeding), etc. method.
4. Water tank treatment can be single pull, pull group (multiple water tanks 1. Their methods are heavy pull, light pull, middle-aged and sick children may have less light water tanks, short time, generally 5-10 minutes is appropriate.
5. This product is particularly effective for heat stroke (scraping) and Ash (tender spots on any part of the human body).