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Treat rhinitis and restore nasal congestion
Treat rhinitis and restore nasal congestion

 product description

Nose treatment rhinitis and chronic rhinitis and restore nasal congestion
Rhinitis patch uses more than ten kinds of traditional Chinese medicine according to its performance and efficacy, and is compounded into external patch in different proportions. According to the principle of "can be cured from the inside", it is absorbed through the hair follicle to contact the lesion. The main function is: expel wind Cold, dehumidify, circulate blood, soften and eliminate accumulated garbage, dredge nodules and discharge suppuration, relieve dizziness and blurred vision, dredge meridians and relieve pain. After 20 years of clinical observation, the rhinitis patch has shown a good effect in the treatment of rhinitis, sinusitis and atrophic rhinitis. It has a good effect on nostril congestion, runny nose, loss of smell, headache, dizziness, vomiting, rhinosarcoma atrophy and nasal cavity swelling, and memory loss. Especially for severe patients with headache, dizziness and vomiting, it has immediate therapeutic effect.
[how to use]
Before using this product, please clean and dry the pasted skin, and then paste Type A on Yingxiang acupoints at night (see photo). One night, pick it up in the morning.