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Traditional Muscle Pain Relief Patch
Traditional Muscle Pain Relief Patch


The far-infrared material will continuously emit far-infrared light with a wavelength of 3-5 microns, which has strong penetrating power and radiation. It has a significant constant temperature effect and resonance effect.
It can be easily absorbed by the body and transformed into internal energy. After being absorbed by the body, water molecules can resonate and become active. In this way, the binding force will increase, and proteins and other biological macromolecules will also become active. At that time, the cells of the organism were at the highest vibration level.
Because the resonance effect can convert far-infrared heat deep under the skin, the heat generated by this process is conducted from the inside to the surface.
Then, it expands capillaries, speeds up blood circulation, enhances metabolism between tissues, improves tissue regeneration, improves immunity, and regulates abnormal excitement, thereby exerting the effect of far infrared rays. Role in health care.