الادوية العشبية الصينية
الرئيسية > المنتجات > الادوية العشبية الصينيةEpimedium
product features:
Epimedium, with thick leaves and strong bitterness, has an extract content of 29.78%, which is significantly higher than the control production area and far higher than the standard of no less than 15.0% set by the 2020 Pharmacopoeia. The content of total flavonoids, Chaohuoding A, and Chaohuoding C components were 9.99%, 0.36%, and 1.79%, respectively, which were 1.22, 1.24, and 1.57 times higher than those in the control production area. Epimedium has good effects in anti-aging, dispelling wind and dampness, anti depression, and anti-tumor. It is an essential medicine for nourishing essence and qi, strengthening muscles and bones, and tonifying kidney yang. It is the best Epimedium medicinal source base in the country, with an average content of up to 1.53% of icariin and an average content of 2.83 times the pharmacopoeia value of total flavonol glycosides, making it a top-grade product. The wild product yield is large, and the artificial cultivation technology is constantly maturing. The products are sold well in domestic and foreign markets and well-known pharmaceutical companies, with strong demand.
- لوازم العلاج الطبيعي العام
- المعدات الطبية
- المواد الاستهلاكية الطبية
- الطب الصيني العلاج الطبيعي المنتج
- منتجات حماية المفاصل الرياضية
- الغذاء الصحي
- الادوية العشبية الصينية
- السلع الرياضية
- الأجهزة المنزلية والسلع المتنوعة
- تجارة الأثاث
- وظيفية المنسوجات والمنتجات الفنية
- منتجات العناية الشخصية
- وظيفة من الضروريات اليومية
- مبيعات الإنترنت
- المشورة القانونية