الغذاء الصحي
الرئيسية > المنتجات > الغذاء الصحي1: The efficacy of rose flower liquid:
(1) Effectively replenish skin moisture;
(2) Improve skin pigmentation;
(3) Delaying skin aging and quickly reducing inflammation;
(4) Antibacterial, anti itch, soothing the liver and relieving depression, regulating menstruation;
(5) Relieve tense emotions;
2: The raw material comes from the condensed and refined rose flower liquid during low-temperature processing, which is then fused with pure distilled water to form plant water. The flower liquid contains a large amount of absorbable nutrients such as anthocyanins, rose polyphenols, vitamins ABCEK, tannic acid, selenium, flavonoids, etc.
3: Extracted from cells and absorbed by human cells, the molecules are delicate and easy to absorb.
4: One water can do more than one thing, and can replenish water more than one thing. It can be used not only for drinking, but also for external use in humidifiers, aromatherapy machines and beauty spray. It tastes fragrant and fresh
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- الطب الصيني العلاج الطبيعي المنتج
- منتجات حماية المفاصل الرياضية
- الغذاء الصحي
- الادوية العشبية الصينية
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